Goddy Francis

Stories: 5

Stories by name

"What do you want, Candy?" He whispers against her neck. "I want you..." "I'm just gonna ruin you baby. I'm not good for your health, Serena, Now I'm gonna ask again. What do you want?" She bites her lip and look at the green eyed man that towers above her. He was something words can't describe and she's still wondering what attracted her to him. Maybe it was the mystery that surrounded the green eyed man, or his flirty whispers. Without thinking, she voiced out. "I want you to ruin me. *** After sneaking out of her family's mansion to party with her boyfriend, Serena Steinberg returned home to see her family murdered in cold blood by unknown assassins. Little did she know these same assassins are after her family's heirloom, a rare blue diamond. She's left with no choice but to move out of her family's mansion to a peaceful neighborhood with the help of her boyfriend. But what happens when notorious Judah moves next door?
Hasta que te conocí
Hasta que te conocí
Ella estaba nerviosa, frente a ese chico problemático de ojos grises. No importaba cuánto lo intentara, él siempre encontraba la manera de volver a su lado. Cada vez que él se acercaba, su corazón se aceleraba. Se encontró recostada contra su escritorio, con la mirada fija en la de él, incapaz de describir lo que sentía con palabras. "¿Por qué me temes, Ariel?" "No es eso..." tartamudeó ella, perdiendo el aliento solo con verlo. "¿Qué pasaría si te besara ahora mismo?" Esa sola idea aceleraba aún más su corazón. Estaban tan cerca que podía sentir el cálido aliento de él en su cuello. "No me siento muy bien", susurró él, deslizando sus dedos sobre la piel de la ingenua morena. "¿Por qué me dices esto?" "Quiero que seas mi enfermera, bésame hasta que me sienta mejor. O tal vez..." susurró, acercándose aún más, "hazme compañía esta noche." *** Ella era una chica buena. No se diferenciaba mucho de una introvertida aburrida. Le gustaba leer y quedarse en casa. Uno de sus sueños era ingresar al convento. Estaba a punto de tomar sus votos, pero su sueño se desvaneció cuando su mejor amigo le arrebató todo, desgarrando su hábito sagrado mientras le robaba la inocencia. Se odiaba a sí misma y su familia la despreciaba aún más por hacerles perder su posición en la iglesia. Justo cuando estaba recogiendo los pedazos de su vida, apareció en su camino el multimillonario y problemático Gray Carter, con todos sus misterios.
Until I Met You
Until I Met You
 She stood nervously opposite this grey-eyed delinquent. No matter how hard she tried to avoid him, he was always coming back to her.     Her heart skipped the more he leaned closer to her. Her back leaned against his desk as her eyes locked with his. He was something words can't describe. " Why are you scared of me, Ariel?" " I'm not..." She stuttered. She seems to lose her breath at just his sight.  " What if I kiss you right now?" That makes her heartbeat skip.   They were inches apart and all she could feel was his hot breath against her neck.  " I'm not feeling very well." He whispered, trailing his fingertips on the naive brunette. " Why are you telling me this?"  " I want you to be my nurse, kiss me till I feel better. Or maybe..." He whispered, leaning closer to her so she could feel him. " Babysit me tonight"   *** She's a good girl. She's no different from a boring introvert.  She likes to read and stay indoors.  One dream she loved was going to Nun school.     She was about to take her vows in the convent, but her dream went down the drain when her male best friend stole everything away from her, tearing away her holy garment as he stole her innocence. She hated herself and her family despised her more for making them lose their positions in church.     Just when she was picking up her broken self, Bad Boy Billionaire, Gray Carter, walked into her life with his mysteries. 
